onsdag 11 mars 2009

Assignment #2, week 11

This assignment made me realize that I'm not following as many series as I used to about a year ago. At that time I just HAD TO watch CSI (both the original series AND the spinoffs), I watched Desperate Housewives and Medium (and some other series that I don't remember the names of right now)...on top of this I was, and still am a sucker for America's next top model. Nowadays however, I watch CSI New York and I try to make time to watch the re-runs of ANTM (America's next top model). But I have to say that the TV is more off than on these days and I think it has to do with the fact that our family tries to do things together when we are at home, since we spend so much time away from each other.

So, why do I watch these series then? For CSI it's easy to say: I just love Grissom and his somewhat awkward way with people. I also find it fascinating to see how crime scene investigators work, and how they can solve crimes that seem impossible to even understand the course of events for. An other aspect I find intriguing is the psycological one, how the characters are influenced by the crimes they are investigating and how their relations to one another change throughout the series. The reason why I watch ANTM is somewhat the same as for CSI (psycological and social relations), but this time it's also my fascination for the real problems and how the girls in the house behave when they live so close together with people they don't know from the beginning. The interplay between the girls can be really interesting and I find it especially interesting to see that it's most often the worse sides of the girls behaviour that surface more and more, as the series proceeds.

My personal reflection about TV series in general and why we watch them, is simply that they let us escape from our real world for a moment. They let us see something different than what we see at home or at our jobs/schools every day. Furthermore I think that anyway some of us watch series that in some way connect to our beliefs in life or our view on things in this world (like, for instance, Medium in my case , I'm convinced that there is more to this world than meets the eye!). In other words, we watch series and programmes that make us tick! What makes you tick?

4 kommentarer:

  1. You have explaíned really well why you like the series you watch. Good job! I also like CSI. I also find ít fascinating to see them solve the mystery of the crime.
    You are good at linking together the text and you follow up your thoughts.
    I see some words repeated (e.g. somewhat), maybe that is something to think about. One sentence might have the wrong grammar "Furthermore I think that anyway some of us..." ( in swedish: lite tårta på tårta) :)
    I think you have written an interesting blog. I agree in many of your thoughts and wish that I had written them in my blog ;) Keep up the good work! Best regards,
    Sofie Rönnqvist

  2. Now I wrote words repeating. ;)
    Best wishes,

  3. Linda, I think you have done a very good blog. You have a good point with your personal reflection why we watch TV series at all. Maybe that's why I hardly ever watch TV - it doesn't make me tick. My lifestyle is more an alternative way of living.

    Anyway, your blog is easy to read and follow. You handle transitions and linking devices very good. I also think it is easy to follow your thoughts.

    There are, however, some things I think you have to change. Firstly the word housewifes. The word is probably supposed to be housewives with v instead of f (there is more than one housewife).
    Secondly the word then in the sentence ..TV is more off then on... is probably suposed to be "than".
    Thirdly we have the word eachother which is two words in english - each other - and likewise with oneanother - one another. On the other hand you have split the word An other (another) aspect..., it's one word.

    There are some more grammatical things I have seen like ...our family try... I think it should be ...our family tries... We also have ...the girls behaviour... - ...the girls' behaviour...

    I think it will be interesting to read your following blogs since you have interesting thoughts. Good luck.

    Best regards

  4. Dear Linda,

    Thanks for your views on our choice of TV series! It was an interesting read, and I especially liked the way you ended your text – with a direct question to your reader. It suited this topic very well, I think.

    The structure of your text is straightforward and easy to follow. Your first paragraph deals with your personal choice of TV series. There, I think you could have chosen a more interesting topic sentence to catch the interest of the reader rather than reminding your readers of the fact that this is an assignment that you have to do. Your second and third paragraphs are about the reasons as to why you watch certain shows, and you have an informative topic sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph. However, since this topic sentence covers the contents of both paragraphs, I think it would have been better if paragraphs 2 and 3 had been fused into one. In your last paragraph you deal with general aspects, which is a good way to round up your text. You do have a topic sentence here, but it is quite a long sentence, which makes it a bit difficult to follow. Make sure your topic sentences are easy to grasp!

    When it comes to links, you have done a good job! You use “however”, “another aspect” and “furthermore”, for instance. These devices really help the reader follow your line of thought!

    As to language, there are a few things to think about: subject-verb agreement as in “the worse sides of the girls behaviour that surfaces”, where “sides” is plural and you therefore should have “surface”. Also, “girls’” is the genitive and therefore requires an apostrophy. In “I'm not following as many series I'm not following as many series as I used to for about a year ago” you should delete “for” and just say “as I used to (do) about a year ago”. Also, don’t make your sentences too long. The following: “them, is simply that they let us escape from our real world for a moment, to see something different than what we see at home or at our jobs/schools every day.” would profit from being divided into two sentences, preferably after “moment”.

    Keep it up!
